May 7, 2009

Dear Mother Nature,

It is not yet summer. Nope, still over a month to go. Can you please explain something to me? Why, oh why, is it already so hot? Currently it is 90 degrees- ridiculous! Correct me if I'm wrong, but Spring is supposed to be about pretty flowers, the start of baseball season, and the Easter bunny... right? There isn't a word about HEAT! That ugly word is saved for summer time in most places. Not here, in the Inland Empire of Southern California. Granted, I live in a place where the hott weather seems to rush to, not wasting any time to span it's horrible sweat-inducing rays of sun upon us innocent bystanders. If I had my choice, I'd move. (Well maybe not...).

The hott weather and I don't agree at all. Ever since I could remember, I've not dealt with heat well. It could be 95 with low humidity. Everyone else says "crap it's hott!" and moves on with their joyous day. Except me. I'm the one crying on the inside. I become miserable and uncomfortable, especially being outdoors for too long. I'm usually the only one starting to sweat when the weather is decent enough for others not to. And that's fair how? My big-whiny-baby side comes out from time to time. I HATE THE SUMMER, and if this is a sign of what's to come... then I'm going to be spending many a days indoors. Fun.


shalay said...

You hate the heat. And yet you've lived in 3 of the HOTTEST places on earth: Vegas, Phoenix, and SoCal. Not much sense being made there...

But yeah, it's hot as hell today. I actually love hot weather, and I've been miserable all day. I like it as long as I'm laying poolside or on the beach. If I'm working in it, I'm NOT pleasant to be around.

LWLH said...

I felt the beads of sweat running down my back today...that was enough to make me go inside and post up on the couch! :)

AprilMarie said...

Shalay- You're telling me! It's just coincidence that I've lived in those places, trust me. I'd never purposely choose one of them. Haha.

Taryn said...

I don't love the heat either! The sun in CO (and probably SoCal) is so darn intense. I miss my MN sun.

Good luck!

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