Friday: After work, I came home to find that Hustler had once again taken it upon himself to get into whatever his little heart desired. Luckily, nothing important. After picking up after my damn puppy, I proceeded to clean my house. My ENTIRE house. Granted, it's not like it's huge or anything. But refer to my post about cleaning and you'll understand what I mean. The only reason I played domestic goddess was to make Justin happy. (Don't get me wrong. I always keep it clean. However this was SUPER cleaning). I could barely contain my excitement the whole day in anticipation of seeing him. I was supposed to be picking him up at about 5:30pm from work. Once I got his phone call, I left the house, smiling a big cheesy smile while driving. Singing my heart out. Didn't care who saw me. When I parked and was waiting for him to come to the car, I got butterflies. Ah, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Whatever. I literally strangled the poor guy when I ran to give him the biggest hug of his life along with a million "hello-I-missed-you-SO-much" kisses. We then went and had a nice dinner, ran a couple errands, came home and spent some quality, MUCH needed alone time together. ;) Three weeks apart will drive one crazy.
Saturday: Unfortunately, I had to get up early for work. Luckily it was a short day and I was home before he even woke up. You bet I hopped right back into bed with him. Shoe shopping for Justin was the first event. First let me explain what this means. He can't just go into a store, pick out some shoes, get his size and leave. Oh, nope. He's ultra picky for one. For two, his feet are weird. He's in between sizes or whatever so shoes don't ever fit him right. Which makes shopping for shoes a chore. We looked at 5 different stores. Nothing. We had to stop that for the day though. Off to his brother's house for swimming and a nice family BBQ. His mom, who lives about an hour away, was also visiting with Justin's sisters and a couple of their friends. Bowling was after this. SO much fun, even though I definitely suck. Justin's mom, sisters and friends ended up sleeping at our house. Oh, goody. (If only you knew. They're a little crazy).
Sunday: Being the wonderful cook I am, I whipped up some delicious french toast for everyone. Then came errands... all day. Went to his brothers for a bit. Then ate at Mimi's Cafe for dinner. I ordered a beer. And if you've ever been to Mimi's... yeah, well, you can imagine how I felt drinking a beer there. Out of place, maybe? It's just so cute and homey in there. My beer was good regardless. Then home for some much needed sleep.
Monday: (My favorite day of the long weekend). It was so nice to not have to get up early for work, or worry about going to class. Instead we had a day to relax and remember all the fallen soldiers and men and women who fight for us everyday =). Justin and I slept in together. This is a rare happening. More shoe shopping. He actually found some, though! Thank goodness. And we came across this watch store and went in to look, with no intention of actually buying. BUT... I saw this Juicy Couture watch:
We spent one last night together and he had to leave early this morning. Of course I'm upset. Saying goodbye whenever he leaves breaks my little heart. It's the worst feeling. It always takes me a a couple days to come completely out of my funk.
Didn't "diet" all weekend (oops). Didn't hit the gym once. But did any of that enter my mind? Nope. I was much too happy sitting on cloud nine. But now it's back to reality. It's just me and the dogs/cat again. At least I've got my little furry babies to keep my company.
sounds like a lot of much needed fun! ;)
Sounds good, diet and gym definitely don't belong on cloud nine!
soon, you're not going to be the only one with a furry baby to sleep with!!
Your cat is SO cute!!!
Sounds like you had a blast this weekend. :)
Diet and Gym always take the back burner on my weekends!! lol especially long holiday weekends! Glad you had such a good weekend though!!
P.S. I'm new to your blog!
That's sweet that he bought the watch you wanted for you!
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