"Stressed" doesn't even begin to cover the state of mine I'm in. Nope, not even close. Here's a recap of what I've got going on, just for school:
- a 5 page essay for English based on an evaluation of a documentary. I've not yet started this. It's due in a week. Freak out time? The farthest I've gotten was watching the film. And I need to watch it again. And probably again after that. Just to successfully write the paper.
- an 8 page paper for Business class based on any one company in the New York Stock Exchange (there are hundreds and hundreds!). I have NO idea how to go about choosing one. I'm at a loss. The paper has to be a certain format, must include graphs, charts, stuff like that, and include all the information required by the teacher.
- my math final. Not prepared for this one bit. A friend tutored me this morning. Helped... a little maybe? Let's hope my brain can retain what we went over. You don't understand, I SUCK horribly at math, and that's probably an understatement. How I passed previous math course, I have no idea...
On a happier note, if there is one, Justin is coming home Monday (the latest Tuesday). There's a reason why he's coming home this time. (Not just to see me because he missed me oh-so-much. Darn.). The reason is a wonderful one, one in which I'm not going to share until we know for sure. Don't want to get my hopes up or jinx it; I'm good at doing that. But here's a hint- it could involve him not staying at his current job. Yay! Please keep your fingers crossed for us.
Life is just CRAZY. And that's not an exaggeration, promise. Sitting here complaining will not solve anything. So I'll move on. On to what I miss most (besides Justin, of course). My family. Family meaning, Mom, step dad, Dad, step mom, brother and sister. They're all in Las Vegas, where I'm from. I would give my left arm to be able to take a little road trip (it's only 4.5 hours from here- not bad!) to see them. It would be a nice little escape, even for just a couple days. And plus, last time I was there was two months ago, to be in a friends wedding, so not much time was spent with family. That was a bummer.
My little brother Zach, who's 12, is the one I miss the most. He's always telling me how well he's doing in school and baseball (his team has only lost one game! I'm proud of him!)... and how much he misses me. My face always turns into a little frown after talking to him. Oh, and Dad of course. I'm SUCH a daddy's girl. Well, used to be anyways... but I just have to remind myself that I'm grown up, on my own. No one said things would be easy. I should just be thankful they're 4.5 hours away by car and not a 4.5 hour plane ride!

I know nothing about stocks, but I had a high school math teacher who was always talking about investing in Janus stocks, and how great they were. I don't know if that still holds water, but the name has stuck in my head for 10 years, so I thought I'd throw it out as a suggestion.
Thank you for the comment. After 8 years he still stumps me at times. ~MEN~
I hope everything settles down for you!! I'd start with whatever is due first or start with what you think you can finish the quickest or easiest!!
Good luck, it's over whelming at first but the more you sit and do and get done the better you'll feel!!
4.5 hours? Dude, it only takes 3 if you go fast and don't stop!
I hope you do well on your papers. Obviously there's nothing I can say to make the whole math thing better, cause I'm right there with you. And I'm crossing my fingers for you and Justin!
wow your a busy girl...good luck on your papers and just think soon enough your hunny will be home with ya! :)
Gosh that feeling of wishing you could be in two places at once...I know that feeling all too well.
Good luck on all your papers!!
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